Check out these mindfulness activities for kids that can work in a classroom setting. They take just 5 to 10 minutes a day for social and emotional learning!
Student life can be stressful, so practising mindfulness and stress management techniques is important. Mindfulness involves being present at the moment and can be practiced through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply being attentive to your activities. It helps in reducing stress, improving...
After only five days of practicing short meditations, study participants improved their conflict resolution skills; lowered their levels of anxiety, depression, anger, and fatigue; and reported increased energy, longer attention spans, and a stronger immune system. Another study, "The Influence of a...
Pregnant or not, breathing is the only thing you can actually control. Mindfulness exercises help you harness this beneficial practice at a time when you may crave a sense of control the most. Being mindful doesn’t mean being perfect or even being relaxed all the time. Mindfulness means bein...
Best daily mindfulness and meditation app! Reduce your stress level and begin living a healthier and more relaxed life with this amazing FREE app! Regular mindfulness practice through meditation helps you decrease your stress and anxiety, increase your confidence and self-acceptance, improve your outlo...
Mindfulness and meditation are effective tools in managing stress and anxiety. They involve focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. Even a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation each day can make a big difference in how you handle stress. There are many...
Now, with mindfulness training, we dropped the bit about forcing and instead focused on being curious. In fact, we even told them to smoke. What? Yeah, we said, “Go ahead and smoke, just be really curious about what it’s like when you do.” ...
Chronic worrying (often referred to as anxiety) can affect your daily life so much that it interferes with your work, appetite, relationships, sleep and reduces your overall quality of life. A Way of Dealing With Worry: Label and Let Go One mindfulness based technique for dealing with worry ...
If you’ve been searching for a surefire way to help reduce stress and anxiety, quiet a buzzing mind, or go deeper within, give meditation a whirl. I know you’ve heard it before (and as a longtime meditation skeptic, I hate to admit this), but it does positively impact one’s well...
Breathing exercises to reduce stress Trending By Your Headspace Mindfulness & Meditation Experts Relaxation Mindfulness meditation Mindfulness for stress reduction Mindfulness for anxiety Mindful movement Mindful activities Mental Health Mental Health & Well-Being Learn how to manage stress and everyday anxio...