I’m also the founder ofHealing Gourmet®, the world’s leading provider of organic, sustainable recipes and meal plans for health and weight loss. Our mission is to provide solutions that make being healthy a little easier… You see, we believe that “eating healthy” doesn’t have to b...
I have seen jars of apple pie filling sold at specialty stores and I always thought that was a great idea. You can use it to pair with ice cream, on pancakes, or on its own for a treat. The best part of apple pie filling is that you are skipping the crust (which is sad for ma...
Although I’ve realised that I’ve stuffed up royally with regard to power points in there. I’ve got one set of double points for the kettle and toaster – and that’s it. I had thought (looking at the plans) that there were some on the other side of the kitchen near the stove,...
Best recipes and fasting option for diabetics in Mahashivratri -श्रावण (sawan)- It's Sawan time ... Shravan time ... All Mondays (Somwar) of Shravan month are considered highly auspicious for fasting. Are you a diabetic? Are you on S...