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Randomize the order of questions within the test for each test taker Randomize the order of answer choices in a question Pin questions or answers to ensure they stay in the same spot (even if the rest of your test is randomized) Re-grade questions if you make a mistake (automatically!) ...
As a form of role-reversal, students devise test questions and sample appropriate answers that demonstrate their ability to comprehend concepts that underlie assigned readings. Rather than simply requiring students to recall what they’ve read, it asks them to hone in on the key elements that woul...
Set open/close dates for the test Randomize the order of questions within the test for each test taker Randomize the order of answer choices in a question Pin questions or answers to ensure they stay in the same spot (even if the rest of your test is randomized) Re-grade questions if yo...
And that's where the math comes in. My daughter is in first grade and is still learning her tens addition facts, so this toy was helpful and fun. Even her big brothers got a kick out of it. It is not something she would enjoy doing for a long time, as she lost'...
Ch 1. 5th Grade Math: Numbers & Number... Ch 2. 5th Grade Math: Integers & Whole... Ch 3. 5th Grade Math: Factors &... Ch 4. 5th Grade Math: Multiplication &... Ch 5. 5th Grade Math: Understanding Fractions... Ch 6. 5th Grade Math: Ratios &... Ch 7. 5th Grade...
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