(This log cabin quilt was made by my grandma out of secondhand wool fabrics; it’s heavy!) Become an Insider! Love decorating and making the most of what you already have? You should stick around! Join my newsletter to keep the ideas coming! (it's free:) Name Email By subscribing,...
Cuddling in my bed with my quilt my great grandma made me, pinning my life away seems to be a normal activity this winter. I always found myself pinning cute summer outfits and beach pictures just wishing I could jump through my computer screen and be on the beach in a new sundress. ...
Let’s be honest, here. Pin basting can be one of the biggest challenges to finishing a quilt. It usually requires a large area and the moving of furniture. Well, I know a better way and you’re going to love it. I’ve created a two-minute video that demonstrates a simplified way ...