1.dengge opensource code https://github.com/ToanTech/Deng-s-foc-controller 2.howto start software install:come from the PDF ESP32 开发板使用 Arduino 平台开发. 我们已经打包了一个解压即用的 Arduino 安装包, 下载链接可以在售后群文件中下载 该安装包已经包含 Arduino IDE 1.8.19 ESP32 Arduino :L...
This is a custom version of the Hunter game with 10 LED and LCD display to show the score, followed by various sound effects. It was made on the basis of a previous project, where the same hardware and box were used, and only the Arduino code was changed. In the next period I will...
支持Arduino或ESP-IDF,多个SAO端口,用户可操作的触觉开关和LED。 项目链接:SAO徽章PCB(https://gitlab.com/parkview/Simple-Add-On_Badge-PCBs) 实用软件 开源软件:KiCad、Inkscape(矢量绘图/处理)、GIMP(光栅图像编辑器)、Visual Source Code + PlatformIO。 Inkscape插件:svg2shenzhen。 实用元件 AW9523BTQR –...
芯片出厂时在这个区域预置了一段Bootloader,就是通常说的ISP程序。这个区域的内容在芯片出厂后没有人能够修改或擦除,即它是一个ROM区,正是因为有这个区的存在,STM32(包括arduino)才能够支持ISP烧录 在每个STM32的芯片上都有两个管脚BOOT0和BOOT1,这两个管脚在芯片复位时的电平状态决定了芯片复位后从哪个区域开始...
Open source LED controler App for Windows, Arduinos and various RGB Devices HueHue is a simple LED controler based on Arduino and open-source libraries aimed for PC cases, tables, decoration and any place where you want to put Windows PC-controled LED kits. This has some resemblance to esta...
Code Folders and files Latest commit History README MIT license ArduinoSimpleFOCShieldv3.2 This is an open-source low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver board intended primarily for low-power FOC applications up to 5Amps. The board is fully compatible with the Arduino UNO and all the board...
{// put your setup code here, to run once://initialises the serial connection between the arduino and any connected serial device(e.g. computer, phone, raspberry pi...)Serial.begin(9600);//Sets up the pinspinMode(mic_pin,INPUT);pinMode(recordLed,OUTPUT);Serial.println("loading... SD...
With the hardware built, it’s time to create an Arduino sketch that will make the LED flash when the button is pressed. First, start the IDE and then create a new project/sketch, which we will call “Arduino Button Flasher”. With the sketch made, it’s time to put in some code....
I took my tft.pushImage(0, 0, 240, 240, epd_bitmap_allArray[frame] from the first example (and yes brought all other supporting code over too) and put it in place of the code that turns the LED on and off. I added a 2nd image set with a different color, so I could see the...
支持Arduino或ESP-IDF,多个SAO端口,用户可操作的触觉开关和LED。 项目链接:SAO徽章PCB(https://gitlab.com/parkview/Simple-Add-On_Badge-PCBs) 实用软件 开源软件:KiCad、Inkscape(矢量绘图/处理)、GIMP(光栅图像编辑器)、Visual Source Code + PlatformIO。