Simple App Launcher A nice wrapper for your favorite app icons for quick launching. You can easily add any app launcher, so you won't ever again have to swipe through useless apps to find the one you need. You can also rename the launchers as you wish. ...
Remove unused kotlin-parcelize plugin Sep 20, 2023 Migrate to non-transitive R Classes Aug 24, 2023 gradlew uploading the initial project files Apr 3, 2020 gradlew.bat uploading the initial project files Apr 3, 2020 keystore.properties_sample ...
For Android apps, this is generally Java or Kotlin. For iOS apps, it’s Objective-C or Swift. The advantages of developing native apps are that you can design your app specifically for a particular operating system and have full access to all device features. ...
SimpleRouter.getInstance() .build("/app/demo/profile") .navigate(this) //带参跳转 SimpleRouter.getInstance() .build("/app/demo/profile") .withString("name", "app-profile:透传参数") .navigate(this) 5、混淆(Proguard)规则 代码语言:txt 复制 #FastJson -dontwarn** -keep...
SimpleCalculatorAppKotlin.zip亡命**ia 在2023-06-13 11:09:37 上传221.27 KB 简单的多功能计算器app官网网址 演示地址 授权方式: 界面语言: 平台环境: 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 下载申明(下载视为同意此申明) 1.在网站平台的任何操作视为已阅读和同意网站底部的版权及免责申明...
「开眼Eyepetizer」SimpleEyes 学习Kotlin必备良器 介绍SimpleEyes是一款基于仿开眼视频App,力求与原始开眼App相似(附上相关App参考版本,如有需要可下载开眼Version ),该项目中采用多Activity+多Fragment开发。使用MVP+RxJava+Retrofit架构。主要采用语言Kotlin,目前该项目持续开发中。如果你愿意和我一起开发...
Full support for Kotlin Coroutines (it's built on top of them after all) Lifecycle-safe collection of infinite flows ViewModel support, along with SavedState Optional, simple unit test library Built-in espresso idling resource support Compatible with RxJava, LiveData etc. through coroutine wrappers...
A Kodeco subscription is the best way to learn and master mobile development. Learn iOS, Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter and Dart development and unlock our massive catalog of 50+ books and 4,000+ videos. Learn more Places iOS & Swift Android & Kotlin Flutter & Dart Server-side Swift ...
It has MyBatis3DynamicSql / MyBatis3Kotlin / MyBatis3 / MyBatis3Simple 4 selection to choice. --> <context id="simple" targetRuntime="MyBatis3"> <!-- <commentGenerator/> entire document: commentGenerator: - property(...
Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin Add OpenID Connect to Angular Apps Quickly If you have questions, please ask them in the comments below! If you’re into social media, follow us: @oktadev on Twitter, Okta for Developers on LinkedIn, and OktaDev on Facebook. If ...