This was a demonstration of how easy it is to build a simple Java Spring Boot application using Aerospike database as a data store. There is much more you can do with Aerospike, you are welcome to take a look at Aerospike documentation and find out yourself: ...
Model (.java)111 Action (.java)144 DAO (.java)46 Total301 In general, your code will only be roughly twice the size of the non-code elements of your application. (DAOs are often short and simple, consisting only of a few single-line methods. In such cases, it's recommended that tho...
Simple web applications can be designed using a two-tier architecture, in which the application communicates directly with a data source using the Java Database Connectivity API. A user's requests are sent to a database, and the results are sent directly back to the user. Two-tier architectur...
WEB4J might be for you, if you feel this way about your current Java web application framework: "I'm really sick and tired of having such low productivity. There'sgotto be a better way to do this." "All I need to do is make a front end for a database. Why are they making my...
46.5 Sending and Receiving Messages Using a Simple Web Application Web applications can use the JMS API to send and receive messages, as noted in Using Java EE Components to Produce and to Synchronously Receive Messages. This section describes the components of a very simple web application that ...
结论:一个java web应用部署不小于100MB,而一个go web应用最少只需要2MB,你真的没听错他真的很小而且迅速,唯一不能比的是 java的生态 太庞大了,这是java之所以存在的优势,不过这终将成为历史。 (以上 go 代码在这里:simpleServer.go) 二维码生成及解码 ...
simpleweb 超级简单的javaWeb,在tomcat 8.5.31下运行通过,9.x运行正常, myeclipse内置的8.5.9运行不通过.其他版本未测试 About 超级简单的javaWeb Resources Readme Activity Custom properties Stars 1 star Watchers 2 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published Packages ...
Gradle easily supports Java web applications through the “war” and “jetty” plugins. This tutorial will show you how to quickly make a simple Java Servlet web application. Our basic project structure will be: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 ...
@ConditionalOnNotWebApplication(不是web应用) 更多注解请参考@Controller扩展注解 如何知道系统中开启了那些自动装配,或者禁止了哪些自动装配 在application.properties加入debug=true即可 Positive matches:中包含了所有开启的配置 Negative matches:中包含了所有未开启的配置 ...
SimpleWebServer 是一款使用Java基于NIO编写的超轻量级开源Web Application Server 是否遇到有时候想做一些小的Web程序,但是迫于Java运行环境过于繁琐而迟迟没有下手,那么现在除了SpringBoot,广大的Java程序员又多了一个选择 轻量级 并不基于servlet,源代码仅3000行左右,jar包仅 0.1m 左右,零依赖,无xml,极低的内存占用...