Java 1.1ify Oct 22, 2019 screenshot-win10.png Add screenshot Oct 22, 2019 JGet Simple Java program to download files similar to wget. But, it is much easier to compile and install than curl or wget. All you need is Java. If JGet is compiled with Java 1.1 it can work on very ol...
I made this in Java because of portability between different OSs, anyone is free to build similar stuff using different platform. Currently supports only ipv4 addresses. Simple Java program to create wireguard client config files. You need to install java on your OS to use this program. You ca...
The Java code itself is a concrete realization of mathematical logic based on data structures and algorithms, and if you don’t know the mathematical knowledge implicit in the code, you will simply ignore it, and you won’t understand the source code. ...
You can use this option if you want to run Javalin on an HTTP/2 server. (The code required to set up Jetty to run with HTTP/2 is too long to include in this article, but there is a working example on GitHub.)The process is similar for configuring a Jetty SessionHandler, and an ...
Use Aliyun Log Java Producer to write log data to Simple Log Service,Simple Log Service:For big data compute engines such as Flink, Spark, and Storm, which require log compression, batch uploading to Simple Log Service, and reduced network resource consu
google/google-visualization-javamaster 2 Branches4 Tags Code Folders and files Latest commit update the version number in the build file 5a303a0· Nov 22, 2012 History50 Commits build-src update the version number in the build file Nov 22, 2012 examples/src Remove ...
Age{get;set;}1718publicstring Description{get;set;}19}2021classProgram22{23staticvoidMain(string[]args)24{25// register PostAction26ZK.Mapper.SimpleMapper.Default.SetPostAction<Person,PersonDto>((p,dto)=>27{28if(dto==null)29{30returndto;31}32dto.Description=p.Age.HasValue?$"{p.Name} ...
Weka (Frank et al.2016): Weka is a popular machine learning library for Java which had the first official release in 1999. Thus, the library is very mature and has been used by researchers and practitioners for decades and is, e.g., part of the Pentaho business intelligence software.Foot...
To run using the created uberjar run: java -cp target/uberjar/macao-social-wallet--standalone.jar freecoin.main To point the app to the right URL please change the URL in the project.clj under :profiles :uberjar :env :base-url to the required one (like "http://localhost:8000)Runni...
如上图所示,检测到了upx的壳。在这里给出exeinfo PE的下载链接: 二、使用upx脱壳 指令是: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 upx-d 847be14b3e724782b658f2dda2e8045b 在这里给出脱壳工具的下载链接: