As always, I hope this project can help others find their way in the exciting world of electronics, robotics, and IoT! Please visit my GitHub for updated files:Playing with ESP32 and Arduino IDE For more projects, please visit my Saludos from the south of the world! See...
Mini DTU(Y201) 11/17/2024 未分类holdingbyteLeave a comment Post navigation Previous PostSmart Yard Control Box(Y104) Next PostIoT Data Acquisition: DTU-based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Leave a Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment....
Best 3g module for IoT - By lucasromeiro Hi, I'm developing a mobile IoT solution. It's a t[…] READ MORE 23 Jun NodeMCU ESP 8266 - 340G Driver issue - By QuickFix Does your NodeMCU actually have a CH340 and not […] READ MORE 23 Jun Lolin D1 Mini V4 problems wi...
pocoproject/poco: The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems. containers/podman: Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. python-poetry/poetry: Py...
PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT development. 6.2.1. PlatformIO installation sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install --upgrade pip && sudo pip install -U platformio==3.5.2 platformio platform install atmelavr --with-package=framework-arduinoavr ...
Nano 33 IoT(SAMD21) - 3.3V Nano 33 BLE&Nano 33 BLE Sense(nRF52) - 3.3V Compatibility in development: Nano Every(ATMega 4809) - 5V Nano Matter(Gecko)- 3.3V The SimpleFOC Nano shield should support Nano models from other vendors, providing they are compatible with the original Arduino ...
Target of this post is to give an example of simple handling of the views in SAPUI5 mobile application. Before reading this post it can be useful to read an officialSAPUI5 Developers Guide for Mobile Developments Example is represented by a simple mobile sapui5 application with 3 views and...
AI Projects 2 AI TOOLS 1 aichallenges 1 aicompliance 1 aicreators 1 AIF Logs 1 AIML 11 aimodels 1 aiupdate 1 AL11 1 Alert in Sap analytical cloud 1 Alert Notification 1 ALM 3 ALM Nuggets 2 ALV 2 Amazon Redshift 1 Amazon S3 1 Amazon S3 Tables 1 AmazonDyn...
4. 调试的时候遇到问题,手机APP收到不到特征值4的返回,经查找是多个例程都用到了同一个simpleGATTprofile.c,所以在工程里面另外新建一个simpleGATTprofile.c并添加。问题解决收到数据。如果是自己的工程,建议新建一个profile文件夹,不要多个工程共用一个,下面看下profile的C文件,\BLE-CC254x-\Projects\ble...
ArduinoJson - C++ JSON library for IoTAn elegant and efficient JSON library for embedded systems.It's designed to have the most intuitive API, the smallest footprint and is able to work without any allocation on the heap (no malloc).