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Moreover, other CpGs are close to genes with cell-spe- cific expression patterns according to the human protein atlas [37]. An example is the CpG cg10673833 (Additional file 1: Fig. S4I) close to the gene MYO1G, which is a good marker for lymphocytes; and the CpG cg23882131 ...
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Supplementary Materials: For the purpose of reproducibility, we published the code for our experiment at http://github.com/xahiru/agreerecom. Author Contributions: The conceptualization of the original idea, formal analysis, and the performance of the experiment, as well as the original draft ...
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If you want to share Whatsapp and Mailto, you should write LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in info.plist <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>whatsapp</string> <string>mailto</string> </array> (Optional) Also following lines allows users to save photos, add them in info....