My church had set aside children, shunted us off from the sanctuary to sing our songs in a tiny chapel far removed from the meeting for worship. They were unable to see in children the theological partners they needed. There in junior church, we were invisible – entrusted to the care of...
Simple Songs for the Soul 来自:Justin Parker Simple Songs For The Soul is a simple but strong spiritual uplifting project consisting of music written by upcoming artist Justin Parker. He is a native of Moss Point, Mississippi, a small town located on the gulf coast. His musical experience inc...
I frequently like to end piano songs with a flourish of some kind, when I'm playing along with my students; this extra measure, using the shape of open chords happened gradually. Pretty soon, I couldn't help myself, at the end of Canoe Song! With the pedal depressed, this measure len...
because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making ...
简介:What I hope to have accomplished is this: Create a simple sanctuary for these old familiar songs to inspire the listener to relax and pull aside from the clutter, busy-ness and noise of modern existence; and to read the lyrics - maybe even sing along - and hear the Gospel again: ...
In some respects, I still feel like that same girl from my teen years who loved dancing in her room to her favorite songs; in others, I definitely have proudly achieved grandma-status: here’s looking at you, wild Friday nights with uberEATs. I’m glad that as the years go by, I be...
not to mention through Paul’s letters, and we know that the ultimate result was that the Gospel would go to places it might not otherwise have been, and that letters were written that are now part of the Scriptures, that might not have otherwise been written. Try to step back from all...
If the modern Christmas worship song going to be a “one-and-done” rotation, then treat it more as a special music number. Also, keep in mind that too many of these new Christmas songs in your Advent sets will make your church “No-Sing December.” People can’t process and learn...