add stop for live reloading Nov 29, 2018 obfs.go Do not exit the server loop on obfs4 connection errors Jan 19, 2023 obfs_test.go add more test cases Jan 5, 2019 permissions.go add test files Aug 13, 2017 permissions_test.go
@echooff::for /F will launch a new instance of cmd so we create a guard to prevent an infnite loopifnotdefinedFNM_AUTORUN_GUARD (set"FNM_AUTORUN_GUARD=AutorunGuard"FOR/f"tokens=*"%%zIN('fnm env --use-on-cd')DOCALL%%z) Usage with Cmder ...
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i file.ts -c copy -f rtsp rtsp://myuser:mypass@localhost:8554/mystream It's possible to setup authentication for readers too: paths: all: publishUser: myuser publishPass: mypass readUser: user readPass: userpass If storing plain credentials in the conf...
1、简化程序:Docker 让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux 机器上,便可以实现虚拟化。Docker改变了虚拟化的方式,使开发者可以直接将自己的成果放入Docker中进行管理。方便快捷已经是 Docker的最大优势,过去需要用数天乃至数周的 任务,在Docker容器的处理下,只需要数...
wait for the response close the socket The send and receive calls won't necessarily send/receive ALL the data you give them - they will return the number of bytes actually sent/received. It is up to you to call them in a loop and send/receive the remainder of the message. What...
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; # 增加api日志格式,记录请求body内容,设置转换成json,中文正常显示 log_format api escape=json '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' ...
We loop through the collection of values, incrementing a count and adding up the values as we loop. Once this is done, the original key is returned along with the count and sum values we calculated earlier. Notice that the myCount and mySum variables are not explicitly cast t...
A serial cable must be connected from Octeon board to your host machine for debugging. 调试器通过一个串口或者通过PCI或者运行linux与Octeon硬件通信。18. Debugging using GDB说明了如何去通过PCI调试应用程序,15 Running the inter-core Debugger说明了如何在运行linux的时候调试应用程序。
Command to displaysimplevisor-loopmanual in Linux:$ man 1 simplevisor-loop NAME simplevisor-loop - execute the given command in a loop SYNOPSIS simplevisor-loop COMMAND... DESCRIPTION It can optionally sleep between consecutive executions of the command (see the--sleepoption) and stop after a ...
the reasons for and use of disk partitions so your Red Hat Linux installationwillbe as simpleandpainless as possible. 本章试图解释分区的原因以及用法,从而使你能够尽可能简便轻松地安装 Red Hat Linux。