Foundations of quantum mechanicsClassical limitGHZ statesThe classical limit is fundamental in quantum mechanics. It means that quantum predictions must converge to classical ones as the macroscopic scale is approached. Yet, how and why quantum phenomena vanish at the macroscopic scale is difficult to ...
light-emitting diodes, transistors, medical imaging, electron microscopes, and a host of other modern devices. Your cell phone would not exist without the science of quantum mechanics!
whole problem, two points are essential: one is the post-selection conditioned average; the other is the super- position principle of quantum mechanics. We will base our analysis on an exact treatment in terms of quantum Bayesian approach by taking the Stern-Gerlach setup as a working system....
Since Newton's time, classicalmechanics has been elegantly reformulated as a single unifying principleknown as Hamilton's principle. Following Feynman1and Landau,2Hamilton's principleis frequently called "the principle of least action." According tothe least action formulation of classical mechanics, a...
it is at variance with our theorem. ... It is for this reason that I have examined what becomes of the theory, if the electrons themselves are considered as liable to the same changes of dimensions as the bodies in which they are contained. ... the explanation of Michelson's experimental...
This is a very brief explanation of how the duality works. For space limitations, we have skipped several important features which the interested Reader can find in the literature mentioned above. Since the field of applied holography is a vast subject spanning decades of research, we limit ...
An easy-to-understand explanation of what graphene is, how it's made, and the sorts of things it might be used for in future.
2. Our Finite Spherical 'Observable Universe' exists as part of Infinite Eternal Space. The most simple explanation is that only one thing exists, space, thus it is necessarily infinite and eternal. From thismost simple foundation we can then deduce that matter must be formed from waves in Sp...
Once again, consider an AI trying to discover quantum mechanics. From the AI's perspective, what it's looking for is a function from observation histories to distributions over the next observation. How can we construct such a function from the formalism of QM? Obviously, using Copenhagen: eac...
Describing the ionization of an atom exposed to a strong laser field entails computationally expensive quantum simulations based on the numerical solutions of the time-dependent Shrödinger equation. The well-known Simple Man Model provides a qual