Bring the magic ofSt Patrick’s Dayto life with our simpleLeprechaun Trap! Step-by-step directions on how to make an easy leprechaun trap project in under an hour! This post may contain affiliate links One thing I have in common with my mom is that we both dislikeschool projects! Don’...
These science projects and spring science experiments are perfect for indoor or outdoor! How big is aRaindrop Experimentfor kids Marshmallow Shooters– go over 30 feet! 2 ingredientEasy Slime Recipe How to Make a Lava Lamp– it’s super EASY!
Like Monevator, the younger me didn’t understand the burnout mechanism. I saw burnout in enough other people at The Firm, but had been fortunate enough to occupy specialisms slightly removed from the ritual slaughter and yearly cull of too many project managers as the number of projects to m...