Children can be a factor in a simple divorce in Florida. If minor children are involved the issues typically revolve around how much time each parent is going to get to spend with the children. We call it "time-sharing". Florida no longer uses the term "custody" or "visitation". The ...
File for divorce in Florida online with the help of our service! Get a divorce online at a flat fee without hiring a lawyer! • Only court-approved documents • No hidden charges
Complete your forms online while you stay comfortable at home and file for an uncontested divorce without the need to hire a lawyer. We offer a convenient and affordable way to prepare and manage your divorce documents.
Complete your forms online while you stay comfortable at home and file for an uncontested divorce without the need to hire a lawyer. We offer a convenient and affordable way to prepare and manage your divorce documents.
Complete your forms online while you stay comfortable at home and file for an uncontested divorce without the need to hire a lawyer. We offer a convenient and affordable way to prepare and manage your divorce documents.
SimpleQDRO. $299 and 30 to 40 minutes of screen time and it was done. The courthouse clerks were impressed with the document, as was the judge. He accepted the QDRO and the application for divorce at the same time. I was told that this is rare. Since it was presented in a straightfo...
Divorce Law Planning a Divorce What are my legal options? Should I consult an attorney? What Should I Know Before I Break the News? What are some other matters to consider before asking for a divorce? What is legal separation? Should I date while my divorce is still pending? Where can...
One of the main benefits of a premarital agreement is that it can help you avoid costly litigation in the event of a divorce. If you do not have a premarital agreement and you get divorced, you will have to go through the court system to determine how your assets will be divided. This...
Prepare court-approved forms for your Minnesota online divorce or offline filing. Get a package of filled-out, case-specific documents for an uncontested divorce at a moderate price and receive filing instructions as a bonus.
Here is Ken talking to a severely mentally ill fundamentalist Christian who thinks Droid Ken is the Antichrist with further follow-up discussion with a genius homeless Christian Trump supporter in Florida who is living on the streets. He figured out how to make the Bible true with quantum ...