simple obesity sim·ple o·be·si·ty obesity resulting when caloric intake exceeds energy expenditure. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun ...
OBESITYSKINHeight-weight tables, long used as a quantitative method of determining overweight, have serious limitations and defects in determining actual obesity. Caliper determinations of the triceps skin-fold thickness are easily made and permit a clear definition of obesity and a satisfactory ...
Define Simple partial seizure. Simple partial seizure synonyms, Simple partial seizure pronunciation, Simple partial seizure translation, English dictionary definition of Simple partial seizure. n. 1. The act or an instance of seizing or the condition of
【4】. In particular, such sweet drinks are linked to a much higher risk of obesity (肥胖症) and heart attacks.In short, healthy eating can be easy if you follow this simple rule: 【5】.A.Shy away from salty bacon and sandwich.B.Reduce the consumption of processed meat.C.If they ...
单纯性肥胖(Simpleobesity) Collegeofacupunctureandmassage,GuangzhouUniversityof ChineseMedicine concept Definition:adefinitionisadiseasethatweighsmorethan20% ofthebodyweight.Or:BMIisover28forobesity. Classification:Constitutionalobesity;acquiredobesity diagnosticcriteria ...
Understanding the multifaceted nature of 《fat英文》 requires a careful examination of its diverse applications. Firstly, the most literal definition of 《fat英文》 describes a condition of having an excessive accumulation of body fat. This is often assessed using metrics like Bod...
Jan A. Delcour, in Journal of Cereal Science, 2011 1 Introduction Because of their structural variation, there is no universally accepted definition of lipids. For example, they were broadly defined as “biological compounds that are soluble in organic solvents, but mostly insoluble in water” by...
While the above definition should give you a general sense of what a nested model is, the definition gets a bit more technical depending on where you are using is. For example: In multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM), the idea is the same — that one model is nested...
If you have a specific definition of spirituality to which you subscribe that’s great. However, what I mean when I use the word “spiritual” is a deeper connection to yourself, to the world and the people who share it with you. ...
Define simple sugar. simple sugar synonyms, simple sugar pronunciation, simple sugar translation, English dictionary definition of simple sugar. n. See monosaccharide. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright