The first of these fundamental problems is how to generate reproducible, coherent phenotypes from a large number of effectively different molecules. In modern cells, this number runs into thousands - if not millions –if genes and other nucleic acid sequences are considered as separate entities, if...
Fundamental problems faced by the protocells and their modern descendants include how to go from one phenotypic state to another; escape from a basin of attraction in the space of phenotypes; reconcile conflicting growth and survival strategies (and ther
And we should remind evolutionists that Darwin maintained his faith in evolution (and in this case I mean blind faith, not faith in the biblical definition), despite the fact that there were many problems. For example, Darwin knew that there was a lack of transitional forms, but had faith...
” His model was revolutionary. As Columbia professor (and founder of the National Bureau of Economic Research) Wesley Mitchell stated, “Adam Smith did for economics in many ways like what Charles Darwin did for biology…a new framework.”1...