interface SwaggerSchemaExtension { extraModels: Parameters<typeof ApiExtraModels>; schema: SchemaObject; } extraModels List of class to inject in the OpenApi definition schema The linked OpenApi schema Override a route You can change the behavior of a simple route by overriding it like a normal ...
Life cycle assessment part 1: framework, goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, and applications. Environ Int 2004; 30: 701-20. 11. Pennington DW, Potting J, Finnveden G, et al. Life cycle assessment Part 2: Current impact assessment practice. Environ Int 2004; 30: 721-39. 12....
Remote sensing is a key technology that enables us to scale up our empirical, in situ measurements of carbon uptake made at the site level. In low leaf area index ecosystems typical of semi-arid regions however, many assumptions of these remote sensing a
variation in environmental conditions, land-use histories and landscape conservation status challenges the definition of ecological indicators and reference values that allow assessing regeneration success. Aiming to circumvent such uncertainties and offer a means for tracking the progress of restoration interve...