Simple and efficient tools for data science. Contribute to Hourout/linora development by creating an account on GitHub.
Data science GUI programs with awesome PySimpleGUI package. What is PySimpleGUI and what is this repo? As per their website, "Python GUI For Humans - Transforms tkinter, Qt, Remi, WxPython into portable people-friendly Pythonic interfaces". In this repo, I specifically focus on creating sim...
000 projects on GitHub alone that use PySimpleGUI. It's truly amazing the possibilities that have opened up for so many people. Many users have spoken about previously attempting to create a GUI in Python and failing, but finally achieving their dreams when they tried PySimpleGUI....
in Towards Data Science AI Agents — From Concepts to Practical Implementation in Python This will change the way you think about AI and its capabilities Aug 12 Giorgos Myrianthous in Towards Data Science requirements.txt Is Obsolete
Our model training is performed on 3090 GPU and can be completed in 4 hours. Our experimental results are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The source code for UIR-Net can be obtained from, accessed on 1 November 2022. Figure 5. Image restoration ...
Shallow and deep CNN models were selected to identify the optimal classifier for NPC images. The parameters in each layer of ResNet and EfficientNet models were optimized for the ImageNet dataset. Due to the difference in the domains of the ImageNet and our NPC images database, we could not...
Early in July (or possibly late in June), Ben wanted to build that quiz bowl application when I was still working on a few other projects as well as an internship. I gave him the bigJSONfile of questions and he toiled away for the next few days, experimenting first with Ruby on Rails...
The projects can be software (like mine), hardware, or anything else, provided they’re started, finished and demo’d in the span of the weekend.As an avid chess player I was interested in ways of turning chess games into songs, and the square grid of a chess board mapped well to an...
Data Science Expert Contributors Software Engineering Perspectives Publish Your Python Code to PyPI in 5 Simple Steps Packaging and distributing your work doesn’t need to be such a painstaking task. Written by Sara A. Metwalli Published on Jun. 15, 2022Whether you’re a data scientist, a ...
Learn Python from Basics • Descriptive, Inferential Statistics • Plots for Data Visualization • Data Science评分:4.8,满分 5 分1326 条评论总共16 小时137 个讲座所有级别当前价格: US$74.99 讲师: Sandeep Kumar, Quality Gurus Inc., Abhin Chhabra 评分:4.8,满分 5 分4.8(1,326) 总共16 ...