A Simple Example of Weak Ref Cursor DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(2000) := 'select deptno,loc scott.dept'; l_where VARCHAR2(200); TYPE dept_curtype IS REF CURSOR; dept_cur dept_curtype; TYPE dept_rec IS RECORD( deptno VARCHAR2(200) --attention the record element order ,loc VARCHAR2(200)...
public String getText(int id, int id2) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[]{NAME_COL, AGE_COL, PLACE_COL}, ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) cursor.moveToFi...
DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(2000) := 'select deptno,loc from scott.dept'; l_where VARCHAR2(200); TYPE dept_curtype IS REF CURSOR; dept_cur dept_curtype; TYPE dept_rec IS RECORD( deptno VARCHAR2(200) --attention the record element order ,loc VARCHAR2(200)); TYPE dept_tbl IS TABLE OF...
EXECSQLEXECUTEIMMEDIATE('sql text'|:host_string) Example 1: EXECSQLEXECUTEIMMEDIATE'select 1 from dual'; Example 2: char*sql_stat="select 1 from dual";EXECSQLEXECUTEIMMEDIATE:sql_stat;
By the way, this is the code used in the Model.ping method that makes sure the connection is established and attempts a reconnection if it is not. WARING: SQL INJECTION RISK! This method calls the psycopg2 method cursor.execute. Make sure you read the psycopg2 documentation on passing parame...
FETCH emp_cursor INTO v_empno, v_ename, v_deptno; EXIT WHEN emp_cursor%NOTFOUND; CASE v_deptno WHEN 10 THEN v_dname := 'Accounting'; v_loc := 'New York'; WHEN 20 THEN v_dname := 'Research'; v_loc := 'Dallas'; WHEN 30 THEN v_dname := 'Sales'; ...
(12,2) , vlf_count int , log_size_mb FLOAT , log_growth_mb FLOAT ) IF (SELECT LEFT(cast(serverproperty('ProductVersion') as varchar),2)) in ('8.','9.','10') BEGIN ALTER TABLE #VLF_temp DROP COLUMN RecoveryUnitID END DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT name FROM ...
Cursor Behavior when Creating a Cursor PROPID_M_SOAP_BODY Changing Queue Behavior Examples ComboBoxEx Control Overviews Pager LINE_GATHERDIGITS message (Windows) HRESENUMEX structure (Windows) C-C++ Code Example: Reading Error Codes C-C++ Code Example: Retrieving PROPID_Q_PATHNAME MSFT_NetAdapterRsc...
If the row does not exist (SQLCODE +100), executes an SQL statement INSERT to insert a new row with all the values in the parameter list.1 Opens cursor C1. This causes the result set to be returned to the caller when the stored procedure ends. ...
Zoom in the graph by selecting an area on the graph while holding down the left mouse button. Zoom out with a double click Move the x/y axes by dragging them in the middle (cursor changes) and move the pointer horizontally/vertically. Expand/Contract the x/y axes by dragging the end ...