Board-certificated cardiologists reviewed ECGs to identify heart rhythm, which included sinus rhythm, AF, and AFL, and bundle branch block or intraventricular conduction delay. ECG data available for evaluation from the commercial algorithm (data management software by MUSE, GE Healthcare, US or ...
By adjusting the potentiometer, we are able to change the triggering point of the diac through the capacitors C1 and C2. This changes the phase angle of the triac conduction. This phase control mechanism effectively controls the speed of the fan motor. Caution Remember that this circuit works w...
Node of Ranvier:these are the gaps in the myelin sheath. Their function is to speed up propagation of action potentials along the axon via saltatory conduction. (Because these gaps are not myelinated, the action potentials appear tojump between nodeslike the water fountains at Disneyworld.) Sa...
(a) Schematic diagram of an HP-ETSC cross section, (b) components inside an HP-ETSC and (c) sizes and geometry of an evacuated-tube solar collector. A space between concentric glass tubes was vacuumed to reduce thermal energy loss from conduction and convection. The copper heat pipe was ...