Connection:Today, we are going to discover how simple, compound, and complex sentences work. Relevancy: Using a variety of sentence structures can help your application to be more descriptive when applying for a job. Essential Questions (Copy In Notebook): 1. What are the different types of ...
1Grammar and usage 语法运用 Simple,compound and complex sentences简单句,并列句和复合句 A Exploring the rules 语法规则探究 Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers. Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write down the numbers. 下面是一个青...
Simple, compound and complex sentences简单句、并列句和复合句 A Exploring the rules A 语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers.下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。 将Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write每个句子与下表中正确的...
Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Simple,Compound,ComplexSentences ReviewQuiz TheRules Asimplesentenceconsistsofoneindependentclause.Anindependentclausecontainsasubjectandapredicateandexpressesacompletethought.–Duringthegame,Jasminescored23points,had6assists,8rebounds,and2blockedshots.–Timisareallygoodpitcher...
simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to understand. This page contains definitions of simple, compound, and complex sentences with many simple examples. The purpose of these examples is to help the ESL/EFL...
simple-compound-and-complex-sentences-lesson 句子种类 SentenceTypes SentenceStructure SimpleSentences Simplesentenceshavejustoneclause.Theymayhaveadditionalphrases.ExampleIwenttotheparktoeatahamburger.Kyle,Keith,andDoug,mybestfriendfrommiddleschool,wenttotheplayhouseandwatchedShakespeare’sHamlet.CoordinatingConjunctions...
Simple, compound and complex sentences 简单句、并列句和复合句 A Exploring the rules A 语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers. 下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。将Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write 每个句子与下表中正...
Simple, compound and complex sentences A Exploring the rules Below is an introduction on the home page① of a website for teenagers. Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write down the numbers.(1) We know that being a teenager is sometimes difficult. 2) So, we...
Learn about simple, compound, and complex sentences. Study clauses, explore the types of sentences (including compound-complex sentences), and...
Simple,Compound,ComplexandCompound-ComplexSentencesinYourWriting Onceawriterknowsthedifferencebetweenthethreesentencetypes(simple,compound,andcomplex),itispossibletowritewithsentencevariety.Sentencevarietyhelpsmakeyourwritingmoreinteresting.SimpleSentence ♦Asimplesentencecontainsasubjectand verb.♦Itexpressesasingle...