simple-compound-and-complex-sentences-lesson 句子种类 SentenceTypes SentenceStructure SimpleSentences Simplesentenceshavejustoneclause.Theymayhaveadditionalphrases.ExampleIwenttotheparktoeatahamburger.Kyle,Keith,andDoug,mybestfriendfrommiddleschool,wenttotheplayhouseandwatchedShakespeare’sHamlet.CoordinatingConjunctions...
TYPES OF SENTENCES: SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX, and COMPOUND-COMPLEX A simple sentence consists of an independent clause, so it contains a subject and a verb. It does NOT contain either a dependent clause or another simple sentence. Examples of simple sentences – short simple sentence: The dog...
Simple, compound and complex sentences简单句、并列句和复合句A Exploring the rules语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers. Matcheach sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write down the numbers.下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。在下表中,用...
2.compound sentence:it is made up of two or more simple sentences for example,the heavy rain started suddenly ,so we stopped planing our trees.以上是复杂句和混合句的定义以及举例,但是我不明白,他们到底有什么区别?? 3英语中的混合句和复杂句到底有什么区别?1.complex sentence :it is made up of...
Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences because a complex sentenceindicates clearer and more specific relationships between the main parts of the sentence. The word "before,"for instance, tells readers that one thing occurs before another. A word such as "although" conveys...
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Read the following sentence and decide if they are simple, compound or complex 1. The boy at his lunch. 2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tiny lunch on the door step in the rain. 3. After dinner, the baby woke up his mother with a loud...
Sentences Simple, Compound, and Complex Experiencedwritersuseavarietyofsentencestomaketheirwritinginterestingandlively.Toomanysimplesentences,forexample,willsoundchoppyandimmaturewhiletoomanylongsentenceswillbedifficulttoreadandhardtounderstand. Thispagecontainsdefinitionsofsimple,compound,andcomplexsentenceswithmanysimple...
SampleCompound-ComplexSentences.♦Afterthetwoadversarieshadspentyearsplaying this“catandmouse”game,theywerejoinedbytheirchildren,andthefuncontinued.♦Eventhoughitseemsthetwowerebentontheother’sdestruction,thecatandmousewereratherfondofoneanother,andneitherwantedtheother’sdefeat.♦Thisgamewasbegunthousandsof...
句子复杂帮助andAND Sentences: Simple, Compound and Complex Experienced writers use a variety of sentences to make their writing interesting and lively. Too many simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to underst...
Simple, compound and complex sentences简单句、并列句和复合句 A Exploring the rules A 语法规则探究Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers.下面是一个青少年网站主页上的介绍。 将Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below. Write每个句子与下表中正确的...