Code of conduct MIT license SimpleFOClibrary -SimpleField Oriented Control (FOC)library A Cross-Platform FOC implementation for BLDC and Stepper motors based on the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO We live in very exciting times 😃! BLDC motors are entering the hobby community more and more and many...
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate...
Code of conduct MIT license LiveCharts2 Watch Blazor WASM demo(only designed for desktop devices for now) LiveCharts2 (v2) is the evolution ofLiveCharts(v0), it fixes the main design issues of its predecessor, it's focused to run everywhere, improves flexibility without losing what we alrea...
and consider if and how it could be enforced. Finally, I offer my take on a “Code of Conduct” for the Exceptional DBA. Rather than be prescriptive, my goal is simply to offer advice to DBAs on how they might conduct themselves within the... add microsoft code of conduct (#363) Mar 22, 2024 LICENSE Remove license year 📆 (#374) Mar 26, 2024 Update to 0.0.9 (#360) Jan 31, 2024 build.cmd fix build.cmd Sep 20, 2024
README Code of conduct AGPL-3.0 license AGPL-3.0 license License Security Nextcloud Forms 📝 Simple surveys and questionnaires, self-hosted Straightforward form creation Simple sharing and responding Response visualization and exporting 📝 Simple design: No mass of options, only the essentials. Works...
You then run the mutant program through a suite of test cases, which should produce new test case failures. If no new failures appear, the test suite most likely does not exercise the code path containing the mutated code, which means the program isn't fully tested. You ...
Code of conduct MIT license Security XML Notepad is a Windows program that provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents. There are four ways to install it: ClickOnce® installer- this is the most convenient, install it directly from the web browser. ...
You then run the mutant program through a suite of test cases, which should produce new test case failures. If no new failures appear, the test suite most likely does not exercise the code path containing the mutated code, which means the program isn't fully tested. You c... Create 2个月前 chore: update contributing 1个月前 LICENSE chore: license 3年前 Create 2个月前 commitlint.config.js feat: addcreate-vuepress-theme-plumepackage (#153) ...