Keep the info on your desktop simple and clean by getting this rather minimalistic skin for Rainmeter. The skin comes with a clock, time and date, weather function, music player and a visualizer, all arranged in an elegant manner. There’s also a launcher for apps and programs like Facebo...
REQUIRES RAINMETER 4.3 OR NEWER REQUIRES .NET FRAMEWORK 4.5 OR NEWER REQUIRES WINDOWS 7 SP1 OR NEWER Download latest version (v1.6.3) Older versions ModernGadgets on GitHub Installation and Setup: Download the skin suite's .rmskin file and open it. Follow the standard Rainmeter skin installation...
Rainmeter Simple Media is a great clock and date skin for Rainmeter. This theme is one of the best Rainmeter skin and themes in the desktop optimization
rainmetervioletevergarden DescriptionA Rainmeter skin consisting of themed desktop elements and utilities.This includes a small amount of wallpaper interactivity; some objects in the wallpaper can be clicked to open certain menus. You must run the trigger auto-scaling program first for these to work...