Fig. 2. CycFlowDec architecture diagram. Classes and methods intended for general users are in green. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 4. Illustrative examples 4.1. Algorithm performances In order...
Many microfluidic applications that utilize PDMS and its alternatives involve culture or circulation of cells from different tissues. Therefore, when designing a new material for biomicrofluidics, it is crucial to take its biocompatibility into account. For instance, the surface modifying additives may le...
(57) [summary] [purpose] that are sealed securely engage the front body and the back body by providing a locking device on the hem of the garment to be worn on the upper body to measure the promotion of the unnecessary blood circulation to wear pants kind me is an object of the prese...
Further research may also include measurements related to swimming pool water technology, the optimization of water heating, water circulation, and other processes related to the need to supply heat and electricity. 6. Conclusions and Summary In modern facilities, where the operation of HVAC devices ...
An open source low-cost wireless control system for a forced circulation solar plant. Sensors 2015, 15, 27990–28004. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 34. Marques, G.; Pitarma, R. An indoor monitoring system for ambient assisted living based on Internet of Things architecture. Int. J. Environ. Res....