--plyr-tooltip-radius The border radius on tooltips. 3px --plyr-tooltip-shadow The shadow on tooltips. 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) --plyr-font-family The font family used in the player. --plyr-font-size-base The base font size. Mainly used for captions. 15px --plyr-font-siz...
It shouldn’t. If you have a simple project to manage, there are a number of excellent (and free) tools that can help.Our recommendation for most users ismonday CRM–it’s true project management software that runs as light as you want it to. Track projects in as few steps as possible...
usekeen-ui@1.xfor Vue 2.x support. Optional Material Icons font Browser support Installation npm install keen-ui --save Before using Keen UI, ensure that the following CSS resets are applied to your site. *,*::before,*::after{box-sizing:border-box; }html{font-size:100%; } ...
Responsive design is a must for today’s audience. On an average, a common user has at least two devices. Now that tech companies are pushing tablets to replace entry-level computers, we have to consider different screen sizes. If you make such responsive designs, you can show it elegantly...
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicating software architectures – especially during up-front design sessions – with an intuitive language using open source and platform independent tools....
Implementing the Property Page for a Rendering Plug-in (deprecated) (Windows) mips.Operator[][] function (Windows) IoCompletionCallback callback function (Windows) RASDIALEXTENSIONS structure (Windows) BORDERWIDTHS structure (Windows) InterlockedAnd16Release function (Windows) IControlMarkup::DrawText ...
phobia,phobic disorder,phobic neurosis- an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias" acrophobia- a morbid fear of great heights
Notice that for the thirdBorderwe use an extra attribute,Grid.ColumnSpan, which causes thisBorderto span both columns in the lower row. You can useGrid.RowSpanin the same way, and together these attributes let you span an element over any number of rows and columns. The upper-left corner...
Interface Builder was originally developed some time ago for creating Mac OS X applications, but has now been updated to allow for the design of iOS app user interfaces. As mentioned in the preceding section, Xcode pre-created a number of files for our project, some of which have a .xib...
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