To quickly describe myself so people can understand me. I'm British, and use English English. Fun fact it should be 'aeroplane'. I'm left leaning. A student, and have a job, in addition to this I have poor time keeping skills, needless to say, stuff rarely happens on time here. ...
My parents were into decent wine in the 1970s – this was unusual at the time as the British palate for wine was not noted for its discerning tastes. Revolting sickly-sweet whites like Blue Nun and Liebfraumilch were all to common in British homes. Somewhere along the line they purchased ...
This plane was boeing's first plane and was designed as a two seat seaplane trainer. Unfortunately only two weeks built so not mutch in terms of flight and service info is available.I also had to replicate this from looking at various models and black and white photos so I have mixed ...
- of something abstracted - that which is true only of thewholeto which it belongs: and it may perhaps be useful to point out that this should not be done. But the application actually made of this principle, and what perhaps would be expressly acknowledged as its meaning, is something mu...
aTHE British government’s crowd-pleasing target of cutting annual net immigration to below 100,000 by 2015 is impossible, but the numbers are finally moving the right way. Statistics released on August 30th showed that net inflows fell by 36,000 in 2011, to 216,000. Although Britain’s mig...
So I wrangled the heart of darkness that is British residential property, but I paid cash. No mortgage broker wants to hear from someone without a job even with share capital to cover the purchase, they may as well have a sign on their desk saying ...
8 June 2020 Ó Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society 2020 Abstract Purpose This continuing professional development module aims to inform anesthesiologists about the magnitude of healthcare-related waste and its contribution to global warming, as well as providing general strategies to improve environmental ...
@WiiWiiTheMini what kind of unfunny meme asks for recognition lmao +10 >event4.2 years ago @KnightOfRen ok That random meme was unfunny so i see no point having a discussion about garbage. +9 Anime builds, and anime in general is trash, and anime as a whole needs to go.4.3 years...
I'm fine. I like Mcdonald.And likes Meme:) ... I am a man XD my friend Waifu! Previously known as Lorileni, Yourname Highlighted Airplanes 22 LTV A-7E corsair Evolutiondestroyer 4.2 years ago 29 Av-8B N, A Night Attack Harrier NZ Evolutiondestroyer 4.6 years ago 28 Av-8B...
A commenter elsewhere described the CIO’s modus operandi as replacing British IT workers with resource from India here and remotely – decimate the workforce. Lots of guff about new tech, agile, under the hood it will be nothing but using the cheapest IT workers they can get. That sort of...