ArduinoSimpleFOCShieldv3.2 This is an open-source low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver board intended primarily for low-power FOC applications up to 5Amps. The board is fully compatible with the Arduino UNO and all the boards with the standard Arduino headers. ArduinoSimpleFOCShield, in ...
Most projects other than blinking LEDs (output-only-based projects) will require some kind of input from a user. In many cases, buttons are used for user input acquisition. There is a library for Arduino Keypad.h (if you don’t have it, check the links at the end of this article) th...
This website provides free electrical & electronic projects with circuit schematics and source codes. Most project are made using Arduino, PIC & STM MCUs.
For this creative project, you’ll need a chassis with a motor and wheels for the body, Arduino Uno to control how the robot works, switch, proximity sensors, an L293D motor shield, jumper wires, and a battery holder. Attach the L293D motor shield to Arduino, and hook it up to the ...
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library - GitHub - simplefoc/Arduino-FOC at v2.3.3
If you are looking for simple alternatives like an Arduio music player without SD card, you should check out the Arduino melody player which we have built earlier. Hardware Required: Arduino UNO SD Card Reader module SD card LM386 Audio Amplifier 10uf Capacitor (2 Nos) 100uf Capacitor (2...
Arduino UNO doesn't have enough hardware interrupt pins for two encoders therefore we need to use the software interrupt library. Encoder channelsAandBare connected to the pinsA0andA1. Motor Motor phasesa,bandcare connected directly the motor terminal connectorTB_M1 ...
An Arduino Uno – The Uno can be a genuine Uno or to lower costs you can obtain an Arduino clone that works the same way. You can buy a clone at the following link for about $15: ...
Simple 3 Phase Arduino Energy Meter: Since writing up instructions on how to build a simple Arduino home energy meter which measured the energy consumption for a single phase, I’ve had a number of people ask about modifying it to be a 3 phase energy met
Arduino Multi-pot Mozzi FM Synthesis – Revisited I've been watching how people have been getting on with the Arduino "Make Your Uno" kit in which you build up your own Arduino Uno and a five-pot synth shield. I've love to get one, but I really can't justify the cost as I don'...