901 -- 1:16 App arduino无线遥控小车 737 1 3:38 App 【创客的浪漫】DIY一个基于ESP32的LED矩阵时钟 563 -- 0:11 App MicroBlocks和小黑平衡机器人 1797 -- 0:34 App 蓝牙控制舵机实现开关灯 847 -- 0:23 App 第二次改计算器,成功改出电位器+MU按键(看简介) 624 -- 3:44 App 基于onen...
Code Folders and files Latest commit History README MIT license ArduinoSimpleFOCShieldv3.2 This is an open-source low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver board intended primarily for low-power FOC applications up to 5Amps. The board is fully compatible with the Arduino UNO and all the board...
HueHue is a simple LED controler based on Arduino and open-source libraries aimed for PC cases, tables, decoration and any place where you want to put Windows PC-controled LED kits. This has some resemblance to established PC case manufacturers functionality for LED control. ...
DMX shield and all known DIY Arduino** DMX control circuits.*** DmxSimple is available from: http://code.google.com/p/tinkerit/** Help and support: http://groups.google.com/group/dmxsimple *//* To use DmxSimple, you will need the following line. Arduino will** auto-insert it if ...
1.dengge opensource code https://github.com/ToanTech/Deng-s-foc-controller 2.howto start software install:come from the PDF ESP32 开发板使用 Arduino 平台开发. 我们已经打包了一个解压即用的 Arduino 安装包, 下载链接可以在售后群文件中下载 该安装包已经包含 ...
This is a custom version of the Hunter game with 10 LED and LCD display to show the score, followed by various sound effects. It was made on the basis of a previous project, where the same hardware and box were used, and only the Arduino code was changed. In the next period I will...
Simple Arduino and HC-SR04 Example: After buying a HC-SR04 from Amazon, I could not get it to work out of the box. Not wanting to concede I had a DOA sensor on my hands, I searched for a simple example setup. After spending far too long on this than I fe
availability or skill level. The majority of these we have built have been controlled by raspberry pi 3s or 3Bs and the Adafruit LED board. There were some early experiments with Arduino's and some home built shields. Sitting on my son's desk is an Adafruit Matrix Portal for his next pro...
http://yourAddress/H打开LED http://yourAddress/L关闭LED 这个例子是为一个使用WPA加密的网络编写的。对于WEP或WPA,相应地改变Wifi.begin()的调用。 硬件要求 Arduino WiFi Shield 101 Arduino or Genuino Zero board 或者 MKR1000 (可选择)连接到模拟引脚pin 2-5的6个模拟传感器 ...
2. Make a timer LED light. Hands-On Hardware connection Refer to “Magic Button Switches” for circuit connection. Programming 1.Write the program 2.Reference program 3. Program effect After the button press, the LED turns on for a few seconds before going off. ...