simple_api_example_flaskPr**er 上传 Python 专业发展的烧瓶样板 特征 大量的文档。 与Pipenv集成以进行软件包管理。 通过$ pipenv run deploy快速部署到heroku。 使用.env文件。 用于数据库抽象SQLAlchemy集成。 安装(如果您使用的是gitpod,则为自动) 重要提示:boiplerplate是针对python 3.7制作的,但您可以轻松...
Using the Flask Framework Flask is a Python framework for web development, which means it has predefined functions intending to make web development using Python easier. In this tutorial, we use Flask and Flask-RESTful. Flask-RESTful is an extension of Flask made to handle API functions and mak...
faiss-api Simple faiss API for index search with flask and docker About Faiss Faiss is a tool created by the Facebook Research team to efficiently get vector similarities, more info on How to use ...
pip install --upgrade simpleapi git clone git:// server: django >= 1.1.1, Flask >= 0.1 or Google AppEngine Python 2.5 or greater simplejson (if you're using Python <= 2.5) python-dateutil pyyaml (optional, for YAML-support) ...
My goal is to recreate my once-popular “Building a RESTful API with Flask and SQLAlchemy post” but using Slim and Eloquent. I’ll try to keep it as simple and streamlined as that post, however, I’ll go ahead and admit that I ran into a few annoying roadblocks on this journey. I...
Francisco Silva May 30, 2019 Development Flask Python: REST API & Swagger Documentation Guide Learn how to create a REST API with Flask in Python and generate Swagger documentation to enhance your API development and usability. Pedro Martinho, Tiago Franco March 11, 2021services...
pip install opentelemetry-api==1.12.0 pip install opentelemetry-sdk==1.12.0 pip install opentelemetry-exporter-otlp==1.12.0 接入流程 初始化OpenTelemetry Provider。 判斷是否符合半自動接入條件。 如果符合,則您可以使用半自動方式接入Trace資料。 當半自動方式無法覆蓋您的所...
Starting a Simple Flask Application From ScratchTAGS: FLASK As introduced in the previous article, we’re going to build a web app using Python and Flask. It’s going to interact with the Spotify API and show the album image of the currently playing song for a logged-in user. The ...
开发者ID:inveniosoftware,项目名称:flask-iiif,代码行数:37,代码来源 示例6: _UserSessions ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache [as 别名]# 或者: from werkzeug.contrib.cache.SimpleCache importget[as 别名]class_UserSessions(object):def__init__(self...
fromflaskimportstream_with_context,request,Responseimportrequestsfromlangchain_community.chat_modelsimportChatOpenAIfromosimportenvironenviron["OPENAI_API_KEY"]="Bearer foo"chat_model=ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",openai_api_base="",)defhandle(req):prompt="You are ...