Lightweight Bottleneck Block 下采样采用如下 Lightweight Bottleneck Block, 同时修改layer4的下采样步长为1 上采样使用group deconvolutional和1x1卷积减少计算, 同时去掉一个上采样层. β-Soft-Argmax 对Soft-Argmax改进提出一种可以提升位置信息的方法 β-Soft-Argmax 即修改Soft-Argmax 为β-Soft-Argmax Iterativ...
LPN网络结构: 整体结构参照SimpleBaseline并进行简化,block[3,4,6,3],Bottleneck里面添加注意力机制GCBlock,GCBlock由context modeling和transform构成,其中context modeling即spatial_pool空间池化操作。
Ultra-lightweight human body posture key point CNN model. ModelSize:2.3MB HUAWEI P40 NCNN benchmark: 6ms/img, mxnetopenposehumanposemxnet-gluongluoncvsimplepose UpdatedDec 2, 2022 Python The baseline project for inferencing various Pose Estimation tflite models with TFLiteSwift on iOS ...
Additionally, SimDR allows one to directly remove the time-consuming upsampling module of some methods, which may inspire new researches on lightweight models for Human Pose Estimation We hope proposed SimDR will motivate the community to rethink the design of coordinate representation for 2D human ...
Unlike current solutions that estimate each frame in a video, DeciWatch introduces a simple yet effective sample-denoise-recover framework that only watches sparsely sampled frames, taking advantage of the continuity of human motions and the lightweight pose representation. Specifically, DeciWatch ...
CLR: Channel-wise Lightweight Reprogramming for Continual Learning 5697 23:00 HumanSD: A Native Skeleton-Guided Diffusion Model for Human Image Generation 5697 19:00 SLCA: Slow Learner with Classifier Alignment for Continual Learning on a Pre-trained Model 5697 20:00 Downstream-agnostic Adversarial ...
We provide a strong baseline for 3d human pose estimation that also sheds light on the challenges of current approaches. Our model is lightweight and we strive to make our code transparent, compact, and easy-to-understand. Dependencies
Design optimization of a lightweight rocker–bogie rover for ocean worlds applications. Int. J. Adv. Robot. Syst. 2019, 16, 1–10. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Takamori, T.; Kobayashi, S.; Ohira, T.; Takashima, M.; Ikeuchi, A.; Takashima, S. Development of UMRS (Utility Mobile ...