For example, the same functionality is provided by this code:@AerospikeRecord(namespace="test", set="people") public class Person { @AerospikeKey private String ssn; @AerospikeBin(name="frstNme") private String firstName; @AerospikeBin(name="lstNme") private String lastName; private int ...
Class documentation In addition to this document, a comprehensive class documentation made with jsdoc is available at Running tests Change directory to the repository root Install the development packages by executing npm install --dev Run the tests with npm run test Run the typ...
For more information, see the Publish action in the Amazon Simple Notification Service API Reference. Name, type, and value must not be empty or null. In addition, the message body should not be empty or null. All parts of the message attribute, including name, type, and value, are ...
For example, the following bucket policy, in addition to requiring MFA authentication, also checks how long ago the temporary session was created. The policy denies any operation if the aws:MultiFactorAuthAge key value indicates that the temporary session was created more than an hour ago (3,60...
Here is an overloaded version of the MATLABplusfunction. It defines addition for theBasicClassclass as adding the property values: methodsfunctionr = plus(o1,o2) r = [o1.Value] + [o2.Value];endend By implementing a method calledplus, you can use the “+” operator with objects ofBasic...
We introduce a new and very simple algorithm for a class of smooth convex constrained minimization problems which is an iterative scheme related to sequential quadratically constrained quadratic programming methods, called sequential simple quadratic method (SSQM). The computational simplicity of SSQM, ...
Class: esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol Inheritance: SimpleFillSymbol→FillSymbol→Symbol→Accessor Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.0SimpleFillSymbol is used for rendering 2D polygons in either a MapView or a SceneView. It can be filled with a solid color, or a pattern. In addition, ...
The drawPolygon() method draws a path for the points in polygon p in the current color. Section 2.6 discusses the Polygon class in detail.The behavior of drawPolygon() changes slightly between Java 1.0.2 and 1.1. With version 1.0.2, if the first and last points of a Polygon are not ...
Note 2: avoid printing the user to console. You might be printing sensitive data. As for the 3 options: Adjust django authentication backend with f.e. class EmailModelBackend(ModelBackend) and replace authenticate function. Does not adjust token claims Not dependent on JWT class...
This shows how you can specify interceptor methods (for both business methods and lifecycle callbacks) in the bean file itself, in addition to using an associated interceptor class.Example of an Interceptor Class The following code shows an example of an interceptor class, specifically the Audit...