congenial or like-minded; likable: I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofsimpatico1 First recorded in 1860–65; fromItalian:literally, “sympathetic,” equivalent tosimpat(ia)sympathy+-ico-ic; related in meaning toSpanishsimpático,Frenc...
The meaning of SIMPATICO is agreeable, likable. How to use simpatico in a sentence. Did you know?
get each other. If you and your best friend share many of the same interests and opinions, and communicate so well you practically read each other's minds, your friendship is simpatico. Meaning "sympathetic" in both Spanish and Italian,sympaticois rooted in the Greeksympathes, "fellow feeling...
simpatico meaning, definition, what is simpatico: someone who is simpatico is pleasant and...: Learn more.
Wikipedia sim·pa·ti·co (sĭm-pä′tĭ-kō′, -păt′ĭ-) adj. 1.Of like mind or temperament; compatible. 2.Having attractive qualities; pleasing. [Italiansimpatico(fromsimpatia,sympathy) or Spanishsimpático(fromsimpatía,sympathy), both from Latinsympathīa; seesympathy.] ...
This week’s Spanish word of the week issimpático. Simpáticois an adjective that meansniceorfriendly. To hear howsimpáticois pronounced, you can click the audio icon below: function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); } Here’s a ‘false friend’ whose meaning has very little conn...
"sympathetic, understanding, congenial," 1864 (in fem. form simpatica), from Spanish… See origin and meaning of simpatico.
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