Biles competed third, performing theYurchenko double pike vault- also known as the Biles II. The complex move includes two flips in a pike position. While Biles took a spill landing the vault during warmups, she stuck it perfectly during the competition, earning a score of 15.766 - more tha...
2024年巴黎奥运会体操:拜尔斯力压群芳,第二次问鼎女子全能冠军 西蒙·拜尔斯的第二枚奥运会女子全能金牌拿得颇为不易。 北京时间8月2日凌晨,2024年巴黎奥运会女子体操全能决赛中,拜尔斯在第二轮的高低杠出现失误,两轮过后暂时掉落至第三。 第一轮比赛,她用以自己名字命名的跳马动作开启了自己的冲冠之路。去年安特卫...
Simone Biles is one of more than 140 plaintiffs suing USA Gymnastics and other organizations allegedly complicit in covering up Larry Nassar’s serial sexual abuse. Court documents filed on Monday list Biles among those seeking testimony from Olympic officials in the civil case, the first time her...
Biles currently leads the all-around qualification despite walking with a noticeable limp throughout her routing after tweaking her calf. She spent several minutes being attended to by Team USA physicians after her opening beam routine before being able to return and complete her ...
Biles said after landing her vault - the event where she got the 'twisties' that forced her to withdraw from the team final and several events in Tokyo - that she felt a sense of relief. "I was like,phew,at least no flashbacks or anything," Biles said. "I did feel a l...
Her coaches,LaurentandCecile Landi, are both from France, and Biles said they often mention it during practice sessions. "You know, Cecile and Laurent joke about that a lot. It'd be really crazy because I don't get any younger as time goes on," Biles noted. ...
Danielle Parhizkaran-USA TODAY Network Looks like I get to put a competition Leo on just one more time. Can't wait to compete in vault finals. Doing this for us @Simone_Biles ️ It's go time baby!— MyKayla Skinner (Harmer) (@mykaylaskinner) July 31, 2021 Could you...
With Biles, Ledecky and others of the Power of She, “They’re not endorsement deals in the traditional sense,” Blakeslee said. “Endorsements have always been very transactional, but we do not think of them as transactional. We think of these women as brand partners...
'You have to be there 100 per cent or 120 per cent or you're going to hurt yourself.' In the USA Gymnastics statement released today, it stated that Biles has not yet decided if she will compete in her four other individual events next week....
Beam is the lone apparatus where past results haunt Biles. Despite being the reigning world champion on beam, it was the only event of Rio 2016 in which the four-time Olympic gold medalist made a real mistake (she still won the bronze). ...