I made a discovery. And this discoveryprofoundlychanged my view on how I thought the world worked, and it even profoundly changed the way in which Ioperate操作in it.As it turns out事实证明, there's a pattern. As it turns out, all the great inspiring leaders and organizations in the worl...
🔖🔖🔖如果你从来没听说过Simon Sinek,请你先去了解一下他颇具影响力的TED 演讲 “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”和他的golden circle理论。不管你在金融,医疗(如我)或者任何其他行业,也不管你是否刚开始自己的职业生涯,或者已经在事业上打拼出自己的一番天地,相信你都能够在他的演讲中得到收获和启发。
只有拥有共同的信仰,才能真正聚合在一起,为了整个集体,也为了集体中的每个人的幸福努力。 【1】Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
SimonSinek_2009X[西蒙.斯涅克][伟大的领袖如何激励行动].pdf,ED演讲者 :Simon Sinek | 西蒙.斯涅克 演讲标题 :Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | 伟大的领袖如何激励行动 内容概要 :In 2009, Simon Sinek released the book Start With Why -- a synopsi
Great leaders inspire others to buy why they do it. And then they follow up with the logistics. The Golden Circle and Biology: A Leadership Love Story Sinek also tosses a bit of neuroscience in the mix. If you look at a cross-section of the human brain, it’s “broken into three...
Simon Sinek,作家,企业家教练,微软、美国国防部、美国运通以及联合国等机构的领导力顾问。著有《超级激励者》(英文原版书名“Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”)、《团队领导最后吃饭》(英文原版书名“Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t“)等...
simon sinek: how great leaders inspire actionwhy-how-what从前往后思考的人,和从后往前思考的人,代表了两种人生。人们追随领袖,是追随自己的梦想,是为自己的未来买单。人们会相信“dream speech”而不是“plan speech”。大家购买你的东西,是因为believe what you believe. ...
How Greater Leaders Inspire Action Simon Sinek 你怎样解释一些事情的进展出乎我们意料?或者说,你怎样解释别人能成就一些看似完全不符合设想的事? How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of...
How great leaders inspire action 衔接部分是本书作者Simon Sinek的一次TED演讲,主题是How great leaders inspire action, 演讲的核心是一个黄金圈法则。这个黄金圈是以WHY为中心出发点, 然后依次再是HOW及WHAT.本书围绕黄金圈法则分析了大量个人及企业案例。本文主要是围绕黄金圈法则结合文中案例进一步分析。
只有拥有共同的信仰,才能真正聚合在一起,为了整个集体,也为了集体中的每个人的幸福努力。 【1】Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action