Simmental and Maine-Anjou Cattle Company based in Kansas. Family owned and operated. Spring annual bull sale. Fall annual female sale.
DSC MS Ranch Hand 2211K ASA Reg #4094177 DOB 3/8/2022 LOT#4 Look her up sale day you will not be disappointed. September 30, 2023 Location: Muskingum Livestock at 6:30pm Posted inSales|TaggedCattlemen for Cattlemen,dickson simmental cattle|Comments Offon Cattlemen for Cattlemen sale 202...
Ph: 403-227-1967 Mark Daines Box 118 Penhold, ALberta T0M 1R0 Ph: 403-350-0200 DainesCattle view the 2023 catalog download the 2023 catalog view 2022 catalog
MCG has joined the Southern Round-Up Group, so we look forward to seeing their cattle in mid December at that long running sale. In all, a great day for new homes for Applecross Cattle! In addition to the above noted high-sellers, I thought we would share some additional thoughts on ...
Where Cattle that Perform Get the Ribbon! Black Summit Cattle Company Raises Quality Simmental and SimAngus Bulls.
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The Italian Simmental (IS) is a dual-purpose (meat and milk) breed belonging to the Simmental population, which, with more than 40 million animals present on all continents, is one of the most important cattle populations in the world. Animals belonging to this population have a greater ...