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This article profiles Jack Sim, an environmentalist and founder of the World Toilet Organization (WTO). Sim is addressing one of the developing world's biggest problems; poor sanitation. To get villagers beyond the barrier of embarrassment and seeing the merit in toilets, he is marketing them ...
jacksim AboutUsername jacksim Joined November 2001 Visits 0 Last Active - Roles member Badges 0 Posts 8 Reactions 0Like0Dislike0Informative Activity Discussions Comments8 Best Of...Activity Not much happening here, yet.Copyright © 2025 Quiller Media, Inc Commenting Guidelines· Privacy Policy ...
JackSim(沈锐华) JackSim(沈锐华),就职于世界厕所组织,现任创始人一职。作为行业享有盛名的大咖,JackSim(沈锐华)行事低调,对工作热情饱满,多次受邀作为嘉宾出席各类大会,并发表了精彩演讲。2015年06月02日,JackSim(沈锐华)受邀参加了《2015年亚洲环保创新论坛》,并发表了精彩演讲...
Jack Sim.This article profiles Jack Sim, environmentalist and founder of the World Toilet Organization (WTO). Sim is addressing one of the developing world's biggest problems; poor sanitation. To get villagers beyond the barrier of embarrassment and seeing the merit in toilets, he is marketing ...