If you paint something, you just walk away and get on with something else. But this is quite a clever expression, for something that's making you feel impatient. Okay, right. So that's the 'like' ones. And we'll now move on to look at the 'As' examples. Okay, so moving on ...
•Youwilloftenfindexamplesofsimiliesinpoetry •SimiliesMUSTuseacomparisonwordLIKEorAS •Thetwoitemswhicharecomparedmaynotseemalike,butthesimileallowsyoutoseesomewayinwhichtheyaresimilar.•ASCOOLASACUCUMBERItmeansthatapersonisverycalm,especially whensomethingissurprising •ASREDASABEETROOTItmeansthathavea...
So these are all examples that you would hear in everyday life that people tend to use. Okay, so they're quite familiar. first one, she eats like a pig, which isn't a very nice thing to say about someone, but if if she's quite makes a mess and a lot of noise, you know what...
So these are all examples that you would hear in everyday life that people tend to use. Okay, so they're quite familiar. first one, she eats like a pig, which isn't a very nice thing to say about someone, but if if she's quite makes a mess and a lot of noise, you know what...