why personality traits are to be expected. In addition, we shall extend the line of speculation with which Rushton ends his paper by arguing for the notion, drawn from socio-biological theorizing, that genetic similarity is a variable which may predict and explain a large part of human ...
Social aggregations of three cattle breeds and crosses between them were studied under controlled conditions at a Brazilian research station. Cows raised with animals of their own breed in isolation from other breeds maintained segregated social gruops. Cattle of the same breed raised apart formed agg...
A positive correlation between preen secretion and MHC dissim- ilarities was detected in male-male dyads, but not in female-female dyads. This finding confirms our previous results using a different dataset, which showed that preen secretion and microsatellite sim- ilarity correlated in male-male ...
Thus, groups were signifi- cantly different from each other in both components, and the group members had similar personality scores (Fig. 1), which implies group-level personality. There was no difference between the scores of related and unre- lated dyads in either trait (Boldness: X...
and amino acid sequence levels between rhesus and human [16]. The rhesus annotations produced by GASS was evaluated by comparing it to the two existing rhesus annotation databases, RefSeq [17] and Ensembl [18], and being aligned with RNA-Seq alignments. GASS found more than 65% RefSeq-rhe...
Results First, we show that increased time between sampling events and the loss of semi-natural habitat over a 19-year period led to decreased community similarity. Interestingly, neither geographic distance nor contemporary environmental factors contributed to similarity. Second, we show that much of...