The use of blank in Chinese literary works is often in the field of painting and poetry. Applied in the blank art of ancient Chinese poetry, for example, comparing with Hemingway's iceberg theory, it can be found that while both good at using the minimalist prose style transfer implication ...
Excellent translation may seems less mysterious,but it is still a very vital thing you have to know well.Whether you are working for on perfecting your understanding of grammar or learning to bring poetry to your prose, you can improve by attentiveness and effort, by reading, and by receiving...
For him, music is not like spoken prose, which almost everyone can learn without any difficulties, but instead resembles a specific form of language: poetry, whose rhythm is hard to find. 1. What is the similarity between music and language at the structural level? A. Both have complicated...
OntheculturalsimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenMatsuoBashospoems 第30卷第6期 Vo1.30NO.6 许昌学院学报 JOURNALOFXUCHANGUNIVERSITY 2011年第6期 No.6.2011 论松尾芭蕉俳句与泰戈尔短诗的文化异同 侯巧红 (郑州大学外语学院,河南郑州450001) 摘要:俳句是世界上最短的格律诗之一,泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》中的诗作是世界上最短...
Excellent translation may seems less mysterious,but it is still a very vital thing you have to know well.Whether you are working for on perfecting your understanding of grammar or learning to bring poetry to your prose, you can improve by attentiveness and effort, by reading, and by receiving...