Both creatures possess a circulatory system, which operates as the heart pumps blood throughout the body. However, frogs have a three-chambered heart, with two atria and one ventricle compared to the human's two atria and two ventricles. Additionally, frogs and humans have similar digestive and...
Describe similarities and differences between the abdominal anatomy of the cat and the human. Compare and contrast the male and female pelvis. Describe the similarities and differences between the hyaline cartilage and elastic cartilage. Describe at least 3 similarities between the male...
arenarum galectin with the bovine spleen galectin-1 and X. laevis skin galectin, it should be concluded that within the galectin family the correlation between conservation of primary structure and phylogenetic distances among the source species may not be a direct one as proposed elsewhere (...
In mutations with partial loss of pax6 function eye development is initially relatively normal but froglets show an underdeveloped iris, similar to the classic phenotype (aniridia) seen in human patients with PAX6 mutations. Other eye abnormalities observed in these froglets, including cataracts and ...
(as observed in Cnidaria and the endoplasm of Bilateria) is linked in the case of the polyspermic Ctenophora to the establishment of a well-differentiated ectoplasmic domain, which is required for the establishment of the oral-aboral axis. Compelling resemblances exist between the CCMs of ...
All variables analyzed showed significant differences between both species (Student’s t-test, p < 0.05). Table 1. Content of organic matter, ashes, total internal carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, total proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (%), and C:N ratio from the biomass of Asparagopsis armata ...