stop_words=[word.strip()forwordinf]f.close()self.stopwords_=set(stop_words)defanswer(self,question,n_answers=5,solution='similarity',eps=0.0001,alpha=0.1):"""根据输入的问题question,推荐几个答案:param question: str, 用户输入的问题:param n_answers: int, 要显示的答案数目:param solution: str...
Synonyms for CLOSE-KNIT: friendly, clannish, cliquish, familiar, cliquey, close, intimate, tight; Antonyms of CLOSE-KNIT: receptive, welcoming
Synonyms for CLOSE OUT: end, finish, conclude, wind up, close, round (off or out), complete, wrap up; Antonyms of CLOSE OUT: begin, start, open, commence, inaugurate, include, admit, receive
From 1819 to 1831 Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and other close territories formed one country known as Gran Colombia or Great Colombia (originally República de Colombia). Their flag was designed with yellow, blue and red horizontal stripes. After the disintegration of Gran Colombia, the resulting ...
on master -f, --first close all sibling processes after first exits (succes/error) run also looks in node_modules/.bin for cmds run-para is a shorthand for run --parallel run-seq is a longhand for run run-npm will match cmd with npm script and replace them, usage of globs is ...
The distance that y changes in the second generation is I I '—y I = * (1+y0) I Thus I I. I I (4:)1 X Yo I- The farthest thaty can move from its initial valuey0 is therefore I x0—y0 I (Y' = I x0—y0 By choosing x0 andy0 sufficiently close to some point (a, a...
aand warm cyber Nordic hugs. I hope you can always be so close to me. I love you[translate] aOutput the approximations of e generated by the above formula for the values of n from 0 to 9. The beginning of your output should appear similar to that shown below 从0输出上述惯例引起的e...
In other words, the outline of the corner is the vertex opposite the face FIG. 1 (9). Preferably, the surfaces FIG. 2 (3,4) diverge not only in the corner FIG. 2 (20) but also on the faces FIG. 1 (7,8), meaning that these faces are beveled towards the inside of the slit ...
In cases where breaking down the Elements in words is not feasible, we split it using NGrams. Take for examples emails Here if we ignore the domain name and take 3 character sequence (tri-gram) of the data, tokens will look like this ...
aWe received the parcel today. Thank you for following up. 我们今天接受了小包。 谢谢接着。[translate] aSimilar_sounding english words ofren result in misunderstanding among english-speaking people Similar_sounding 英语 词 ofren 结果 在 误解 在英文之中 人们[translate]...