Synonyms for INVERT: flip, reverse, turn over, switch, exchange, shift, transpose, overturn, interchange, upset
字母异位词[anagram],一种把某个字符串的字母的位置(顺序)加以改换所形成的新词。 解题思路# 给出一个字符串数组,要求找出这个数组中,“不相似"的字符串有多少种。相似的字符串的定义是:如果 A 和 B 字符串只需要交换一次字母的位置就能变成两个相等的字符串,那么 A 和 B 是相似的。
if similar(word1,word2): dsu.union(i1,i2) #使用编号作为合并的索引 else: buckets=collections.defaultdict(set) # values 是set 且具有默认值的字典 for i,word in enumerate(A):L=list(word) # string 调换中间某几个字符顺序的最佳操作 for j0,j1 in itertools.combinations(xrange(N),2): 组合操...
visited.insert(str);for(stringword : A) {if(isSimilar(word, str)) { helper(A, word, visited); } } }boolisSimilar(string& str1,string& str2){for(inti =0, cnt =0; i < str1.size(); ++i) {if(str1[i] == str2[i])continue;if(++cnt >2)returnfalse; }returntrue; } }; ...
We are given a listAof strings. Every string inAis an anagram of every other string inA. How many groups are there? Example 1: Input: ["tars","rats","arts","star"] Output: 2 分析: 因为这个是找group,所以容易联想到用union-find.这里我们在确定谁是root的时候,总是挑index大的,这样才能把...
they are not similar. Formally, each group is such that a word* is in the group if and only if it is similar to at least one other word in* the group.** We are given a list A of strings. Every string in A is an anagram of every* other string in A. How many groups are ...