Synonyms for THAT: so, very, extremely, really, too, terribly, incredibly, damn; Antonyms of THAT: somewhat, little, slightly, nominally, just, negligibly, hardly, scarcely
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Complete the following sentences so that each pair of sentences has the same or a similar meaning. Use only one word for each blank. 根据上句完成下句,使两句表达的意思基本相同,每空一词。 7. Words with similar meaning and similar forms are liable to be confused. 意义相似的...
synonyms, linkstosimilargoods or services across Classes, links to definitionsofsomegoods, classification reports, and links [...] 根据尼斯专家委员会的批准(文件 CLIM/CE/21/3 第 20 至 26 段),到 2012 年新的出版平台将投入生产,这样可以整合新的特征, 如同义词、与分类交叉的类...
Synonyms and Antonyms Synonyms are words that have the similar meanings, such as happy and joyful. Synonyms can be useful when you want to avoid repeating the same word again and again. Antonyms are the words that have the opposite meanings. Life is full of antonyms, like the “stop” and...
All the answers to crossword puzzle below are words taken from the text and they are all related to"education".The clues give synonyms(words with similar meanings)to these words and also give you anagrams(the word with the letters rearranged)of each
With all sorts of synonyms for words, it can be hard to find what you're looking for. So, here are ten online synonym dictionaries that can help.
Synonyms are words that have the similar meanings,such as happy and joyful.Synonyms can be useful when you don't want to repeat the same word again and again.Antonyms are the words that have the opposite meanings.Life is full of antonyms. ...
Near-Synonyms and Similar-Looking (NSSL) words can create confusion for English as Foreign Language Learners as a result of a type of lexical error that often occurs when they confuse similar-looking words that are near synonyms to have the same meaning. Particularly, this may occur if the ...
The findings suggest that foreign language students should be sensitized to the prototypical context specificity of each near synonym, as this may prevent an incorrect use of terms. At the same time, they also reveal that, in the case of near-synonyms, a term and its immediate co-text are...