Similac Sensitive has prebiotics and nucleotides that do the same thing as 2’-FL Human Oligosaccharide, but they are not as close to human breast milk as the other formula. Pro-Total Comfort contains 2’-FL Human Oligosaccharide which has been researched for years and is finally perfected to...
the makers of Similac baby formula, claiming that the Similac Isomil Sensitive formula they gave their two-month old baby in September made the child sick with diarrhea. So, they wisely switched formulas on the advice of their doctor, and low and behold...
The formula shortage even before Abbott issued the formula recall and shutdown in February 2022 due to Cronobacter contamination. However, the massive recall and the extended shutdown (they only reopened in June 2022) worsened the shortage. (8) The company might be held liable for its big role...