If you're seeking practical tools for the care of preterm babies, we have printable PDFs for corrected age, a preemie milestone tracker, and more.
For example, a study in 1990 confirmed that premature babies were 6-10 times more likely to develop necrotizing enterocolitis if they were exclusively given cow’s-milk based baby formula instead of human breast milk — (Source:“Breast milk and neonatal necrotising enterocolitis”). Similac Lawsui...
The findings come amid increasing concerns about the potential side effects of Similac and Enfamil for premature babies, which has been linked to a serious risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC); a devastating disease where the wall of the intestine is invaded by bacteria, leading to the destruct...
period. Most babies adapt to their new diet within three to five days. During this time, you may see slight changes in stool pattern, gas, and/or spitting up. In the case of an allergic reaction, it may take longer than three to five days for the allergic reaction to completely go ...
Danone will ship around 750,000 cans equivalent to 19 million 8-ounce bottles of formula from their manufacturing facility in Ireland. The first shipment will be for Aptamil First Infant Milk Stage 1, a formula made for healthy babies but isn’t ideal for premature infants or those with metab...
Both are formulated for premature babies. Both are easy-to-digest milk-based formulas. Both formulas promote better immune health. Enfamil contains MFGM and DHA (milk fat globule membrane and docosahexaenoic acid, both are for brain development). ...
Abbott Laboratories, Similac's manufacturer, faces a multifaceted legal challenge. Plaintiffs assert that Abbott failed to adequately warn about potential risks for premature babies and deprived them of crucial information. Legal actions also target misleading marketing, alleging the...
Higher Risk with Cow’s Milk Formula: Studies have found that premature babies fed cow’s milk-based formulas are significantly more likely to develop NEC than those fed human breastmilk. Meta-Analysis Findings: A combined analysis of six studies involving 869 preterm infants indicated that those...
Shop Similac NeoSure ready-to-feed infant formula for babies born prematurely, a post-discharge formula for premature babies that promotes catch-up growth. 2-fl-oz Bottle, Pack of 48
$9.00 Add To CartFind A Retailer Similac® CustomFeed Breast Milk Storage Bottle, 60-mL Bottle (Case of 100) Find A Retailer Similac® NeoSure® Infant Formula, for Babies Born Prematurely, Baby Formula, Ready to Feed, 2 fl oz (Case of 48) Find A Retailer 1 2 Show: 12 Join...