The formula shortage even before Abbott issued the formula recall and shutdown in February 2022 due to Cronobacter contamination. However, the massive recall and the extended shutdown (they only reopened in June 2022) worsened the shortage. (8) The company might be held liable for its big role...
Parents are paying for all that marketing and advertising the companies put behind their products, says Jean Halloran, the director of food policy initiatives for Consumers Union. If your little one drinks Similac, check your formula's lot number to see if it is part of the recall. If it i...
9/27/2010 - It has been a few days since Abbott Laboratories, makers of Similac infant formula, issued a recall after discovering some of its products may have been contaminated with beetles (and beetle larvae). The mainstream media ran with this story and parents everywhere suddenly got ...
Enfamil Gentlease (lot number BMJ19) was recalled in July 2019 for suspected metal particles. In 2001, the company issued an allergy alert for Enfamil A.R. but did not recall the product. Enfamil Nutramigen was recalled in 2001 for incorrect preparation instructions that led to incorrect heart...