本公司生产销售静电消除器 消除器,提供静电消除器专业参数,静电消除器价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.静电消除器 静电消除器 品牌SimcoIon思美高|产地浙江|价格1000.00元|型号5635-600|尺寸100mm|材质除静电|厚度100mm|重量50kg|静电场测试仪FMX-004|行业医疗|
Simco-Ion Ionizer离子棒 5710-500-50-02 Simco-Ion 离子bar遥控器(手持终端含线)91-5700-HHT-01(S00215265) 苏州古尾谷电子有限公司 客户热线:400-668-2938 邮箱:sz@szhozan.com [古尾谷]技术支持SIMCO思美高 无尘室防静电 静电消除器4016010 Simco-Ion 静电场测试仪 FMX-004 Simco-Ion 静电离子棒 5710-...
Micro ionizers provide ultra-clean ionization and advanced ESD protection, ensuring the integrity of manufacturing processes by neutralizing static charges. ultra-cleanadvanced esd Guns / Nozzle / Cartridge Ionization air guns, nozzles & cartridges are perfect for point of use applications to remove ...
爱企查为您提供苏州古尾谷电子有限公司Simco-Ion Ionizer 静电消除器 5635-600思美高 强势现货等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多日本工业品、日本KIKUSUI电源、日本SIMCO、日本SSD、日本TRINC高
Simco-Ion, Technology Group offers ionizing air guns and overhead blowers for benchtop PCB manufacturing, including specialized ionizers that fit inside of tools designed to protect production PCB manufacturing.
Simco Air Ionizers
The Simco-Ion Periodic Verification System Model 775PVS is a hand-held alternative to a charged plate monitor. It consists of three components-a fieldmeter, a detachable plate, and a charger for measuring static charge and verifying ionizer performance. Used alone, the fieldmeter measures electrost...
Simco Ion™ ionizers are used to prevent ESD damage to sensitive electronics and cross-contamination via electrostatic attraction (ESA) in clean rooms. For a free consultation on room ionization systems please contact us at sales@4bennett.com or (937)3
Featuring Simco-Ion’s patented inherent balance and built-in emitter point cleaners, the Guardian is the lowest maintenance overhead ionizer available. Like Simco-Ion’s other Aerostat series ionizing air blowers,the Guardian operates on AC Technology to provide stable balance performance over long...
【古尾谷】思美高Simco-Ion Ionizer 离子棒5710-400-50-03现货 除静电 苏州古尾谷电子有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥725.00/吨 四川绵阳 民用取暖 神木崇德 蓝碳焦面 热值5710 高发热量 碳含量高 神木崇德品牌 神木崇德兰炭销售有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥1000.00/根 上海 强势现货 除静电Simco-Ion Ionizer ...