Merge pull request#439from sima-land/438-carousel-mobile-fix 7339828 #438 7bff6b1 Merge pull request#440from sima-land/438-carousel-mobile-fix 53c8ace Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub.Already have an account?Sign in to comment...
France is located in the west of Europe, is the largest country in the EU in terms of area, agricultural production accounts for 20% of the EU's agricultural production, with a land area of 551,600 square kilometers, high in the southeast and low in the northwest, with the plains accou...
Release year Geographical scope System boundaries Allocation options Applied emission modelling Direct Land Use Change methodology Energy and fuel background datasets Water footprint Total number of datasets Market mixes Agri-footprint 5.0 2019 Focus on EU & North America Cradle-to-market, Cradle-to- ...
replanting new vine shoots by laying down a stump which then takes root by reproducing the characteristics of the original plant. Much more than a simple work of the land and the vines, the exceptional care given to this part of the vineyard pays tribute to the unique identity of historic ...
This data is an update to a previous project conducted in 1995 and compared to the previous exercise in 1995, land use change was also added as an additional category. Detergents are one of the main categories where PCFs and PEFs are being piloted (e.g. A.I.S.E. is participating in ...
This data is an update to a previous project conducted in 1995 and compared to the previous exercise in 1995, land use change was also added as an additional category. Detergents are one of the main categories where PCFs and PEFs are being piloted (e.g. A.I.S.E. is participating in ...
Carbon uptake credits, GHG emissions due to land-use change, and climate change models The interface of the packaging tool. P&G packaging designers can select the relevant materials and parameters for each packaging component on a simple, user-friendly interface. Then, the tool calculates LCA and...
LCA系统在开发运行后会进行持续更新,例如Simapro系统最新一次更新是2022年5月发布的9.4.0.1版本,该版本更新了Agri-footprint数据库,增加了1165个清单数据;更新了IPCC影响评价模型,增加了64种物料的特征因子;新增了Ecological scarcity、Land use impacts on biod...
(, 2011) is a computerized life-cycle analysis model, LCA database, and cost-emission analysis system for energy, material, and transport systems. The environmental data cover air emissions, greenhouse gases,liquid effluents,solid wastes, and land-use. The cost data...
• It does not include any regionalized EF substances which would be new to SimaPro, nor does it include the raw material flows 'Carbon dioxide, in air, biogenic', 'Carbon dioxide, in air, fossil', and 'Carbon dioxide, in air, land transformation' as these are not used by data libra...